What does H2CUS stand for?

Hope to see you soon

When someone sends you H2CUS, it means they "hope to see you soon." You're most likely to receive this acronym at the end of text or chat conversations, as a sign-off from someone who misses your smiling face.

If you receive H2CUS, you can respond with me2 or H2CU2 (hope to see you too). You can also take some pleasure in the fact that there's someone out there who wants to see you again (and soon, even).


I miss our late night talks and random dinner dates, h2cus
H2CUS means "hope to see you soon"
H2CUS means "hope to see you soon"

Related Slang


Updated September 8, 2022

H2CUS definition by Slang.net

This page explains what the acronym "H2CUS" means. The definition, example, and related terms listed above have been written and compiled by the Slang.net team.

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