HomeHome : Emoticons : Greedy


$_$ Copy
Popularity ★ ★ ★ ★ ★  Popular
Direction Vertical (not tilted sideways)
Added January 27, 2017
Description: An illustration of a person's face with Money ($) eyes, just like in a cartoon. The $ indicates that the only thing the person sees is an opportunity to make money. It may be used to criticize a person's love for money or your own desire to become rich, just like Gordon Gekko.
$__$ Copy
Popularity ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆  Average
Direction Vertical (not tilted sideways)
Added January 27, 2017
Description: A depiction of a greedy person's face with money signs ($) representing eyeballs. They indicate that the person is only looking for money. Also, the line represents the mouth indicating that a greedy person can never really be happy because he will never accrue enough money. Heavy stuff from an emoticon, huh?
($v$) Copy
Popularity ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆  Uncommon
Direction Vertical (not tilted sideways)
Added January 26, 2011
Description: An expression with money eyes looking upward with a smile.
Emoticon Information from PC.net